Potentiation and the regenetics Method

Potentiate your DNA
The Regenetics Method uses sound and intention to stimulate DNA to repattern the body’s electromagnetic (EM) fields. This in turn encourages healing on a cellular level.
Regenetics activates a genetic potential that already exists in us, by “potentiating” so called “junk” DNA. Potentiation focuses on the physical body and “seals’ the Fragmentary Body, establishing a basic unity consciousness that greatly promotes healing. This is the first in a series of 4
activations, unfolding over 9 months with the sealing of the Fragmentary body at roughly month 5.
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The Regenetics Method uses sound and intention to stimulate DNA to repattern the body’s electromagnetic (EM) fields. This in turn encourages healing on a cellular level.
Regenetics activates a genetic potential that already exists in us, by “potentiating” so called “junk” DNA. Potentiation focuses on the physical body and “seals’ the Fragmentary Body, establishing a basic unity consciousness that greatly promotes healing. This is the first in a series of 4
activations, unfolding over 9 months with the sealing of the Fragmentary body at roughly month 5.
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Once the Fragmentary Body is sealed at about 5 months into Potentiation, and the EM fields have been recalibrated from an imbalanced 9 to a balanced 8 fields, the "infinity circuit" is complete. The next activation is Articulation. Articulation is designed to “switch on” healing bioenergy in the body’s second energy center, enhancing creativity in all areas while facilitating the transformation of limiting thought-forms and behaviors. more info
Elucidation is the 3rd Activation that can be performed after Potentiation and Articulation have completed at the 9 month mark. Elucidation activates a mostly dormant portion of the prefrontal lobes via the neocortex, facilitating creation of a higher energy body assist in our “ascension” to a higher organic expression of unity consciousness. Working through the emotional body to assist the individual to replace limiting and/or harmful beliefs with life-affirming ones. The Unified Consciousness Field is the result of a continuously running ener-genetic “program” that is uploaded via the Elucidation activation. This program is designed to keep the bioenergy centers in a state of balance during further evolution of consciousness having to do with the spiritual body. This unfolds over a 9 month process, much like Potentiation.
I am presently in the unfolding stages of this activation. Once complete, roughly 9 months, I will evaluate taking the course in being able to offer this as well.
The final activation in the four part method is Transcension, which can be performed at the 18+ month mark and unfolds much like the others over a 9 month period. Transcension focuses on healing the spiritual body, which links conscious Source energy with our physical, mental and emotional bodies. This energizes a cyclical movement of this “torsion” energy, further activating and harmonizing the EM fields and related chakras thus promoting bioenergy “crystallization” (stability, order, creativity and harmony). By instituting a higher degree of systemic order at the ener-genetic level, Transcension encourages an advanced level of consciousness and healing in a safe, integrated and inter-gratable manner over a timeframe the body can manage with more ease.