Water is... everything. Our bodies are up to 60% water. Over 70% of the world is covered in it. Water is in the air we breathe and is a basis for the very fabric of our lives. But is water a living and breathing and feeling thing? It wasn't until I played the Glass Bead Game (see opening blog posts) that I really started to think about water as more than just a source of hydration. I started to learn more about vibration and frequencies. The effect of frequencies and vibrations on water is more readily apparent than I ever would have thought. I came across a meme about the time I started to distill my own water that further advanced my appreciation and love for this beautiful resource. Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese scientist who revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm, and he shows this by the impact on water. After seeing this I was on a flight with a myriad of movies offered. Disney's Frozen II popped up. Knowing that Disney has often given us hidden meaning in their cartoons, I thought maybe there was something in there to help me understand even more fully. And wow, even Disney is putting it out there that water has memory. I looked more into Emoto's work and there are several videos (you can use the Google to find them) and the differences in the "bad" water and the "good" water was striking. But is it real? I sent this meme to a close friend who I always looked to as a mentor. Having a background in geology, I figured she would have a thing or two to say about this. To my shock, but not really, she was well aware of Emoto's work. Curious herself a few years ago she performed her own experiment. Taking rice from the same bag she filled two cups. She then added clean well water from a pitcher. So same bag of rice, same pitcher of water. As she filled the one cup of rice she taped a sign with words of anger and hate forcing herself to feel those words as she wrote them, taped them to the glass and filled the glass. She repeated this process with words of love and affirmation. For 11 days she took those two glasses with her everywhere. She would go to the grocery store and put the love in the trunk and sat the hate up front. Driving she played acid rock music and swore at the rice and water showering it with hateful and angry words and energy. On the way home she would switch the glasses for the Love and play opera and classical music and shower the rice and water with love and adoration. She admits she felt ridiculous doing it but,,, And so for 11 days she provided the same environment regarding temperature, light, location but treated the two differently with her words and intentions. This was her result at the end: It was all she needed to believe. She put them both in a closet and left them alone. A month later, the hate glass was mostly black. Love... clean. Water hears you. Water feels you. Treat it with respect. Treat it with love. Another dear friend of mine started to distill her water. She told me how much more connected she feels to it and she even started to talk to it thanking it for its life giving energy. Plants that receive water and are talked to have been shown to grow healthier, stronger and bear more fruit and flowers. So think of it... when you are having a bad day, and you make a stupid mistake and you tell yourself you are a fool, not only does your psyche hears it, the water in you hears it as well. Your water and, well YOU become the distorted molecules shown in Emoto's meme. When you say things like "you are stupid! I hate my life" your water hears you and reacts. It is all connected. So try to treat yourself, others, and your water with love and honor . Your water will hear you and more than 60% of you will appreciate the life affirming love. Blessings KVZ ![]() **note! I was in my favorite natural store in Naples and found these beautiful blue bottles. I keep all my distilled water stored in glass bottles. When I transfer it from the distiller pitcher to the bottle I tell it how grateful I am. When I pour myself a glass I tell it how beautiful it is. And when I drink, I drink with gratitude for every beautiful drop. This glass bottle gives me Abundance.
I'm not even 100% sure how I fell into this little gem of a treatment. Like most, I'm quite familiar with the brown bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and have used it in my nursing career especially when I worked at ShockTrauma. We used it to clean twice daily sutured wounds. Plastic surgery especially liked this for cleaning delicate facial lacerations and scrapes. We would use a diluted mix of 1 part H2O2 and 1 part sterile saline.
So when I read Madison Cavanaugh's One Minute Cure I was intrigued. Chatting about this with a friend who was using holistic healing herself, I learned she was driving 2 hours to a natural dentist where she had IV infusions of H2O2 prior to dental treatments. Upon hearing this, my anxiety about drinking peroxide eased somewhat. I ordered up a bottle of FOOD GRADE (very important!!!!) 35% Hydrogen Peroxide. The warnings that came with it were immense and terrifying. I was half afraid to bring the bottle into the house. Seriously. The anxiety was ridiculous. I had a bottle of bleach sitting out like it was nothing and here I was clenching about peroxide. I reread Madison's book, researched further her resources and seeing as I don't want to recommend something I myself have not tried, I swallowed my fear (kind of literally here!). I brought in the bottle sitting outside on the back porch and took my first dose. Now let me stop here and just reiterate, this is NOT the hydrogen peroxide you buy over the counter at the drugstore. The over the counter stuff WOULD be poison as it has things in it other than H2O2 called stabilizers. These are very toxic and probably would do immense damage if ingested. So very important to buy FOOD GRADE. From a year ago (August of 2020) there are so many more websites that are talking about this and offering the appropriate formula. I will leave it to you to use the Google machine and find your own source. My source was industrial grade and scared the crap out of me with the ominous warnings of explosions, poisoning and imminent death. Now, there are many natural remedy sites that offer a friendlier packaging that is remarkably less terrifying. Swallowing my first dose I was like, wow... what was I soooo afraid of??? Once again, more so out of curiosity, I did the whole protocol that lasted 2 months. I worked up to 25 drops in distilled water (always distilled from my fabulous home distiller!) and back down again. Admittedly, 25 drops was tough. It was very "bleachy." I used some drops in my bedside humidifier during the winter and even started to use the H2O2 for cleaning instead of harmful bleach. I have on occasion gotten the full 35% on my fingers and yes,,,, not recommended. My skin turned white and TINGLED. My nail beds burned as if I rubbed a freshly cut super hot chili pepper into the skin.... ouch!!! but I rinsed with water and after a bit it went away. I survived my treatment with no ill effects. Did I feel different? hard to say. I wasn't sick to start with. But I did have more energy than ever! I cautiously mentioned this to my dad. My dad is 75 years old and has suffered for 10 years now from ulcerative colitis. Exhausted and frustrated each morning afraid to leave the house as there were often 5-8 trips to the bathroom before 10 am, and on a good day may have been 3-4 trips. But each day had left him more raw on his backside and feeling less and less himself. Ten years of this will take its toll. So when I mentioned peroxide might help him he was willing to try it. I warned him it wouldn't happen overnight and to not get his hopes up afraid he would quit before allowing it to work. He took his first dose of 3 drops in a glass of distilled water. I did a sign of the cross despite not being Catholic and prayed that it would work. To my utter amazement, and his, within 10 minutes he went to his morning constitution and passed the first solid stool he had for 10 years. And he did it only once that entire day. And the next and the next. Prayers answered! He has been completely loyal in his dedication to taking "his drops" 3X's daily. He was able to scale up to 10 drops a day and couldn't go further. I told him to do what he could tolerate. Not to push himself. Since that fateful day in February 2021, he has had one SOLID movement a day, on a rare occasion two. To give a testimonial about the importance of using distilled water, one day he accidentally used tap water. The result was immediate with cramping and loose stools. My dad who was a skeptic at first was now convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt. When his doctor showed him photos of how he was destroying his esophagus and he would destroy his intestines, he looked at her and said, "I've been with you for 10 years taking pills that cost $100+ a month. My daughter cured me in one dose for less than $0.10. I'll stick with this." It amazes me how quick allopathic medicine is so quick to denounce what they don't understand and not even be curious to investigate real live examples rather than the fear mongering found in bought and paid for medical journals. He still needs the meds (for now) but is slowly trying to ween himself off. Oh, and on his next visit to the same doctor she told him he no longer needed to take the meds for his pre-diabetic condition. His lab tests were all normal. After years of being on this medication, one would think she would be curious as to how that happened. One would be wrong. Yes, peroxide is reported to "cure" diabetes as well. There are hundreds of testimonials online about this. Way more than when I started to investigate this a year ago. A year ago there was more fear mongering that you were drinking "bleach" and would kill yourself. As I always say, do your own research. If you are unsure or uneasy, find a homeopathic practitioner you trust. Wellness does not have to be expensive or scary. [Disclaimer: KVZ is not a medical doctor, and does not purport to diagnose, prevent or treat illness of any kind. I make no recommendations, claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care.] Water was my first journey in the Glass Bead Game. A simple question was posed. What is in your drinking water? I’ve scoffed at friends who refused to drink tap water as the US has the safest tap water in the world. Or do we?
Having lived and worked in Guatemala potable water was always a concern. Washing vegetables, especially a salad was at one time in the early days a game of Guatemalan Roulette (as opposed to Russian Roulette). I’m not sure who the equivalent of the Aztec Ruler Montezuma would have been in the Mayan world, but I have met him on more than one occasion. My running (ha! pun not intended!) joke was if you wanna lose some weight, go on the Guatemalan water diet. On one trip I was down to Junior High School weight in about 4 days. Those were the early days. Since some amazing filtration systems have been developed and implemented. The best I personally think is the ceramic containers that use colloidal silver. (The beneficial uses of colloidal silver would be a separate post!). Each time I returned home from Guate, I would turn on my tap grateful for that clean refreshing water! Right? Weeelllllll,,,, not so fast. The more I started looking into what was in that fresh, clear, “clean” water, I realized the dirty truth. That water running freely from my US tap isn’t so clean. I started to appreciate my friends who had elaborate water filtration systems in their homes. I bought water pitchers that filtered out everything even the fluoride, which is another evil that we willingly ask to be poisoned with and another potential future post. I had the best understanding of the different types of water (tap, rain, filtered, river, etc) after reading the book The Choice is Clear by Dr. Allen E. Banik. Having mentioned on a twitter post about drinking filtered water someone replied with a link to Andrew Norton Weber. After watching his life changing 2+ hour interview, I made my move to distilled water. There are other ideas on that video that would be for another post. To start, stick with distilled. I put myself and my 14 and a half year old beagle on distilled and what a difference! Within 3 days, he was running like a 6 year old! I was feeling better, but could’ve been because I was drinking more water… who knows. The best sources I found for Distilled water was in the clear plastic bottles. The milky ones to me tasted funny. Back then (September 2020) you could get distilled water in the clear containers at Aldi’s or Target for as little as $0.53/gallon. I was last told it was as high as $1.24. Word must be getting out! However, I no longer buy it by the gallon, but distill my own. There is something very satisfying about making your own water. I feel more connected and more grateful for each precious drop. And when I saw the bottom of the distiller after cleaning 1 gallon of water, I was horrified at the filth and smell of what was left behind. To think I was drinking that! Once again, do your own research. If someone warns you about distilled water leaching minerals, tell them to research the difference between organic and inorganic minerals. That should keep them busy. The distiller I bought (sorry,,, found on Amazon) but I saw this one just come available on one of my other peeps I follow: Orgone Energy The bottom of my distiller after one gallon... baby poop. Except baby poop smells better. This is Maryland. My distiller in Florida after 1 gallon is black swamp sludge. Welcome to my blog. One might expect a blog on a mostly beaded jewelry website would be about,,, well,,, beaded jewelry. Not so fast. Though it was beaded jewelry that got me to click on a link that took me down this path. A link called THE GLASS BEAD GAME caught my attention. That particular link is now gone but there are many others if you research for yourself. Basically the ‘game’ took me down a rabbit hole of every thought provoking subject known to man. As the internet often does, one link leads to another which leads to another. This blog will be about a myriad of subjects that have caught my interest. Some may resonate with you, others may make you scratch your head (I’ve done a lot of head scratching in the past year), and others may make you confused or even angry. That’s all ok. That only means you would be playing the Glass Bead Game with me. The idea is to expand your thinking.
Much of what I will most likely discuss here will be health related as I go back to my Nursing roots in healthcare and look at a system that cares very little about your health. Remember, this is all coming from my point of view from my own research. Before you take any of my suggestions, or trash any of my ideas, I strongly encourage you to do your own research. Where appropriate, I will include links. I suspect some of my blogs will mainly be links to others blogs as I find interesting tidbits. At the end of the day, I hope you find what I have to say to be at the very least interesting, and the most I would hope for is something here is helpful to your own journey. |
KristenFollow me in my journey of discovery and awakening in health both physical and spiritual. My experience will not be your experience. What works for me may not work for you... but it might. Archives
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