I was on my way to the Richmond Folk Festival when I checked in with my mom to see how my parents were holding up. My dad was diagnosed with "C0v!d " a week before and he had decided to go ahead with the antibody infusion, which he was at the end of the window of time to be able to receive. Up to then he was tired (ok exhausted) and had a cough but was holding steady pretty well.
Calling my mom that morning, I got a hysterical woman I hardly recognized. My mom is the most calm, cool and pragmatic person I know. She was seriously stressing about getting my dad to the appointment. Realizing she was at her rope's end, I unpacked my truck, threw the dog in the back and headed North to Pa rather than south to Va. When I arrived, my parents were still at the appointment for the infusion. My mom had calmed down at this point and was back to being the rock of Gibraltar. When my dad returned home, he looked tired, very weak and frail. Not his typical booming voice and 6 foot strong frame I was was used too. My mom looked exhausted and had a telltale dry cough. Having had "C0v!d" myself in January and getting my boyfriend through it a month later, and the fact that I am now fully Potentiated, I was not worried about getting sick. My dad's first complaint was that he was freezing. He felt like a block of ice. When I took his temperature, it was registering 95.8. Whaat? That can't be... then.... he started shivering so hard (rigors). His feet were blocks of ice and his skin was pale and not cool to touch but COLD. He told me how cold it was in the infusion center and that he was freezing during the infusion. They didn't have blankets so they gave him a sheet. I have taken care of patients with hypothermia and this looked like that. We used wet hand towels heated in the microwave around his feet and neck being careful not to burn him. I called the infusion center, who were most unhelpful, and the new infusionist told me she had thawed the fluids out when I asked her if they warm the fluids prior to administering. Chances are, my father was infused with a solution that was a few degrees above frozen. A weakened 76 year old with preconditions and exhausted from fighting off an infection for over a week would have a difficult time dealing with fluids this cold, most likely contributing to his body temp of 95.8. After about 40 minutes of heating towels and trying to warm him up, he stopped shivering and calmed down, we started to peel the blankets off. Just as I thought would happen, he started to have a paradoxical reaction,,, his body started to kick in trying to warm him up and in short order he had a temperature of 102.5. Eh gads.... my dad has a history of emphysema so the respiratory and infection factor was of high concern... For the next 36 hours we battled back and forth a fever and moderate respiratory distress. I use the word severe carefully, but we were close to that. After dealing with my boyfriends battle in February, I encouraged my parents to contact Frontline Doctors and start the prophylactic protocol. This may have been a major factor in their recovery. They have been taking the supplements Vit. C, Vit. D, Zinc, Magnesium and HCQ. We continued with this but increased the HCQ to daily instead of weekly. For my dad, during his nearly severe respiratory distress, I set up a humidifier next to the bed infusing distilled water with food grade peroxide, trying to hyper oxygenate the room and therefore him. Peppermint oil was also heavily used. When he complained of a shortness of breath flare, I rolled him on his side and did chest percussions (click here for tutorial), and finished up with massage of long strokes stretching him out and getting the blood flow towards his heart. As my dad's status started to improve, my mom's started to deteriorate. Her dry cough was turning into something more and the adrenaline of dealing with my dad was wearing off and she was crashing. About this time my nebulizer arrived so the humidifier went over to where my mom was sleeping with peroxide infusing throughout the night and mild peroxide nebulizer treatments. About this time it hit me to start them on NAC which I saw a huge change in their condition for the better. Mind you, they themselves were still miserable with exhaustion. But I could deal with that. A week later, both are on the mend, up moving around and slowly getting back to normal albeit with many naps throughout the day. My dad struggles the most, but with a history of emphysema and ulcerative colitis (largely gone since I put him on food grade hydrogen peroxide - see earlier post), he is doing great! My mom, who is rarely sick and has the fortitude of a stubborn ox, was terrified of progressing to a worsening stage. The hardest thing taking care of her was keeping her terror at bay. No need to manifest that! The regimen that worked for us... the Zelenko Protocol Vitamin C Vitamin D Zinc HCQ Ivermectin (yes, I gave them the horse paste and with great results. That's when dad seemed to really turn the corner)(for a natural substitute Wormwood, which I had to switch my dad to as he objected to the horse medicine ) NAC (WOW! Game changer! and thanks to the government more difficult to buy) Other things I could've added on but didn't have on hand or didn't think of it till later would include Quercetin (I left mine at home) Budesonide nebulizer I also had a dose of Zithromax on hand just in case, but never needed this. Everything except for the HCQ and Zithromax is (or was when I bought it, now, maybe not so easy) over the counter. There are home made versions of HCQ. I take Secrets of the Tribe quinine daily myself. You can also use orange and grapefruit skins. I also followed Dr. Mercola and carefully gave my mom hydrogen peroxide nebulizer treatments (heavily diluted food grade peroxide. She could only tolerate less than a 0.5% solution. Also the home remedies worked as well. Hot water with lemon, honey and peppermint always my favorite and a new one I came across on IG.... a home made cough medicine made by cutting up an onion and covering it with sugar. This makes a syrup that within minutes cut my mom's cough. Crazy! A wonderful "Super Tonic" I got at a local farm store with horseradish, garlic, onions, red peppers, fresh ginger root and apple cider vinegar. Worked wonders as a decongestant! Fortunately, as they got over the hump, the weather broke from dreary rain to sunny warm days. I wrapped them up in blankets and set them on the deck in the sun under a tree with a beautiful view of the valley, a tall glass of lemon and salt water and a box of tissues. Fresh air and sun! Just like the doctor would have ordered in the old days! One last thing I did do which was a wee bit unorthodox was a blood thinner. We didn't have aspirin on hand so I had them do 3 drops of their urine under the tongue. Urokinase, a very potent clot buster drug we use in the ER for heart attacks and strokes is derived from... urine. Amazingly, our bodies produce the very medicine we need and if they had clots, I knew their bodies would produce the life saving treatment they needed. Better safe (and maybe a wee bit grossed out) then with clots and a pulmonary embolism. I put this at the very end as only the fully initiated would read this far. If you are interested in this lifesaving treatment, I encourage you to follow these links: Andrew Norton Weber The Water of Life Your Own Perfect Medicine As disgusting as this sounds, it is actually quite beautiful when you think of it. As my mom started to feel better and the fear the media so entrenched in her psyche that with every cough she would devolve and become the next victim faded, her anger at the system rose. Earlier, my parents were told by the doctor to go home, they weren't sick enough. If it got worse then they were to go to the hospital. They weren't told to take the vitamins or the zinc and their doctor frowned upon the fact they were on HCQ. If it wasn't for me forcing the education onto them and then dragging them through the treatments, my sister (also a nurse) is quite sure we'd be saying our goodbyes through a window with them alone to die. I can barely contain my anger when I think of the "protocol" that so many were tortured with. My heartfelt condolences to all who have lost a loved one to this very treatable and mostly nonlethal condition. Please, turn off your tv and start to research on your own. This, much like other diseases, do not have to be the life threatening, terrifying end of life we have been lead to believe. p.s. two weeks post and me healthy as a horse... natural antibodies rock! Talking with my dad, he thinks he started to get sick when he was hugged by someone who recently had had the v@ccine. Shedding is real. But timing was perfect - I was available to help, the weather was perfect for convalescing in the sun, and natural antibodies for my parents will hopefully carry them through winter. [Disclaimer: KVZ is not a medical doctor, and does not purport to diagnose, prevent or treat illness of any kind. I make no recommendations, claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care.]
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KristenFollow me in my journey of discovery and awakening in health both physical and spiritual. My experience will not be your experience. What works for me may not work for you... but it might. Archives
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