Disclaimer: None of the information in this article is intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease or condition. It is intended for educational purposes only. Please contact a health care professional as soon as possible if you experience any of the concerns described in this blogpost. My first time to Guatemala was as a nurse with a school of Osteopathic medicine. We were handing out Albendazole like candy. I have to be honest, I had to look up this particular “candy.” I had never heard of it before. Oh… it is an anti-parasitico. Of course! We were in a 3rd world country so 3rd world problems. We would NEVER need such meds in the U.S of A! Not so fast…. If you have been paying attention these past couple of years you may have picked up on the media squelching any idea that anti-parasitics seem to be effective on so much more than parasites. Hydrochloroquin (HCQ), treatment typically used as an anti-malarial (which, btw, malaria IS a parasite! Most don’t realize this!) is interestingly also used in Lupus, an autoimmune condition. Ivermectin was highly demonized by the media and anyone who confessed in taking it was immediately scoffed at as taking horse medicine. I found this aggressive and outright angry response suspicious, so I dug a bit… and these days you don’t have to dig too far. What I found is… out right alarming. One parasite kept coming up in my research and oh,,, this little devil (and only the devil could’ve been this devious in its creation) is an insidious little shit. Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasmosis is known as the dis-ease that make soon to be dads of pregnant moms the official cat litter cleaner. The parasite choice habitat is the cat and is spread via its feces. A superficial internet inquiry will reveal the cat is to blame for most infections, and pregnant moms be-ware the pet bathroom cleaning duties. Well,,,, yes. A good idea to avoid cat litter and cat feces in general, but this is by no means the only mode of infection. Did you know that the CDC lists Toxoplasmosis as one of the five neglected parasitic diseases in the US. Ironically it lists it as a major cause of death from food borne illnesses. Yeah, well,,, it’s so much more than that. And the wording of the CDC website is a bit disingenuous. It makes it sound like an acute food borne illness is the major concern. While it is a concern, its the latent toxoplasmosis that I have found to be incredibly damaging and more widespread, rearing its ugly head in the form of mental illnesses, amongst other things. So how does this uninvited guest find its way into our home? The cat is NOT the only avenue of infection. It may have been the initial route but that has long since past. Yes, the cat is the definitive host, meaning the parasite prefers the cat as its host as this is where it can sexually reproduce, but all warm-blooded vertebrates can be hosts (where it apparently has learned to asexually reproduce - once again, smart parasite)… including humans. So imagine at the beginning, a cat poops outside. Now the probability for that feces to eventually end up in the water supply is pretty high, or be eaten by another animal (just ask my dog. He looooved eating cat poop… ugh) So pretty much any farm animal has access to the tainted feces. Pigs and sheep were often listed as main culprits, but make no mistake, chickens, cows, any animal that consumes the oocysts (how the parasite travels) and then in turn is consumed in the meat product and boom… infection. Vegans think you are safe? Think again. Fruits and vegetables that are poorly washed can be culprits as well. Even if just a little bitty molecule of dirt is clinging to that juicy strawberry that is organically grown… Fish eaters? Sorry! They are finding it in the oceans as well. Fish and mollusks alike are carriers. And here is the kicker, even if you take care to avoid all aspects of potential infection from your diet, maybe your partner hasn’t? Or a previous partner of your partner… we all know how this works. Yes. Toxoplasmosis can be transmitted sexually via the oral route. Oral Sex: A new, and possibly the most dangerous, route of toxoplasmosis transmission Ok, so now we have established that ALL of us are exposed to this nasty little invader. In fact, it is known that at least 30% of the worlds population has been infected. Other possible numbers are as high as 39.3% and the French up to 80%. The CDC estimates 1 in 10 in the US are carriers. My intuition is well over half the worlds population has had a direct run in with the protozoa. Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence in Iranian women and risk factors of the disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis What does this mean and how may it be affecting us or those we love? Most of us who are exposed to this parasite may never even know. However, the latent effects we may be seeing more prevalently than we know. Some are more sensitive to an invasion than others. Genetics, health of the immune system, Vitamin D and C levels and a myriad of other factors play into whether one will have long term manifestations of the parasite. Latent Toxoplasma may be one of the most insidious offenders as it may be years after infection the full blown effects are seen. Anxiety and depression are major indicators of a potential infestation along with obsessive compulsive disorders, manic-depression, schizophrenia, and remember at the start of this writing? Auto immune diseases, which often times these poor souls also have these mental health diagnosis’ making life more interestingly miserable. Latent chronic T gondii may cause iron, iodine and folic acid deficiencies seen in those with auto immune disorders, plus a plethora of other disorders! Possible Critical Role of Latent Chronic Toxoplasma Gondii Infection in Triggering, Development and Persistence of Autoimmune Diseases Like all evil characters in any movie, Toxoplasma gondii is an intelligent villain that can control the mind. No! Seriously! The parasite cloaks itself in an oocyst and hides out in the brain. It tricks the immune system into not seeing it, so therefore the immune system does not attack. A portion of the population is more susceptible to the inflammation caused by this. It is a long-term, slow roll to increased symptoms. But thats not the end of it. It has ways of controlling behavior. Just ask the mouse. The end game for the parasite is to end up in a cat where it can sexually reproduce, (I guess a parasite likes sex just as much as the next guy?) so it does what it can to get there… including controlling the host it is invading. It lowers the mouse’s ability to smell cat urine which would normally make any mouse scurry to safety. The parasite also lowers the mouse's response time to stimuli giving the cat the upper hand in that famous game of cat and mouse. Now typically a parasite doesn’t necessarily want to kill its host (mouse), unless killing the host (mouse) offers a more desirable home like a cat. Cat eats mouse, parasite in mouse is now setting up residence in cat, and apparently having lots of good sex! Wash, rinse, repeat. Fatal attraction in rats infected with Toxoplasma gondii So what does this look like when the parasite sets up residence in us humans? Latent infections seem to be the most insidious. The initial infection can look just like a cold or flu, or even food poisoning. Then it lies dormant in its little oocyst (typically in the brain) and does a slow roll inflammation and causes a myriad of symptoms. Anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, self harm behavior and even suicidal ideation can be experienced by the host, along with decreased memory, difficulty learning and hyperactivity, so ADHD to add to the litany of issues to drive one crazy. It seems the longer it is there, the more these symptoms take hold. It is most common in women aged 31-50. As if these ages weren’t tough enough! And roughly the ages one may be starting a family, which a latent infection most likely would not be picked up and potentially passed on in vitro. Latent of course. Association between latent toxoplasmosis and major depression, generalised anxiety disorder and panic disorder in human adults Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder: A Case-Control Seroprevalence Study in Durango, Mexico The Impact of Parasite Infection of Mental Illness How common 'cat parasite' gets into human brain and influences human behavior -- ScienceDaily Traffic Accidents! Seriously? Traffic accidents? Yep! Road rage and traffic accidents are another detrimental outcome. Accidents may be caused by a delayed response time to stimuli. Also a decreased level of empathy and consciousness is reported in test subjects who test positive. So your road rage aggressor really DOESN’T have any concern for you in his (or her) sociopathic behavior. The parasite makes him (or her!) just not care. Increased risk of traffic accidents in subjects with latent toxoplasmosis: a retrospective case-control study Ironically, it has been theorized that the parasite can also control your good looks. It seems that the beautiful people have a higher rate of infection. I guess the parasite has figured out what we humans are attracted by in a mate, and will mold us in that image, increasing our likelihood of attracting a mate and encouraging the sexual transmission from its males host. Smart parasite. Are Toxoplasma-infected subjects more attractive, symmetrical, or healthier than non-infected ones? Evidence from subjective and objective measurements Many doctors will treat the “chemical imbalance” of mental illness by prescribing meds that provide the chemical that is unbalanced, but never truly ask WHY is there an imbalance. Could it be that the parasite feeds on the hormones or neurotransmitters we produce? Therefore causing the imbalance? Hmmm. Then the meds normalizes the imbalance and you feel normal for awhile as you get some of the chemicals the parasite has been hogging. Then what happens? The parasite is being fed, growing, and eventually starts to feed off the meds… requiring what? A higher dose. Could it be that maybe you aren’t developing a tolerance to the meds but are now eating for two, and the parasite is consuming more than its fair share? Then you try to turn your life around and get off the meds. Bravo! So you start to wean. But if the root cause isn’t addressed, then you are really in trouble. Now you have a very angry and hungry uninvited guest eating everything you have and screaming for more. This would also explain why exercise may alleviate the symptoms for a bit (increase in endorphins, until your guest eats up those too. I’m sure the minute the system is flooded with the hormones, it creates a feeding frenzy. Also the hit of endorphins when shopping, henceforth the crazy shopping sprees. Gives a new meaning to "retail therapy." That therapy may be quieting your parasite, but only temporarily. It goes on and on. The more you look the more you find and it is all concerning. And honestly, the allopathic route (working with your classically trained doctor) is not a great option in this particular parasite. Doctors are not well educated in parasitic infections nor their treatments. As far as I can tell, this isn't even screened for and I would even question how accurate the tests are for latency. The meds to treat Toxoplasma gondii are quite toxic for acute infections and non-existent for the latent phase. In the latent phase, we are told the oocyst is dormant in the body and doesn't cause any problems, unless your immune system nosedives of course. Many healthcare professionals would probably poo-poo you if you asked if this may be what is causing some of you or your loved ones symptoms, and probably drag their feet to test for it. Plus, If the test is positive, great (well not so great because you have an uninvited guest). Now at least you know a definitive diagnosis. All in all, at the time of researching this I have not been able to find much literature to answer these questions, so this is speculation. But one thing is for sure and not speculation. Once you are exposed to it, the cysts are reportedly in your body (typically your brain) (!!!) till death do you part. Not only an uninvited guest, but one that won’t leave. Added Feb 23 A friend sent me this video. It should come with a warning label. What do you do now that you know the world has been taken over by a feline parasite? First, don’t panic. Second, don’t despair. Despite all the literature sounding doom and gloom that once infected, you and T.gondii will be hitched for life, I have reasoned out that this just may not be the case. To start, if you have multiple medical diagnosis and are on multiple medications, I recommend finding a naturopathic practitioner who hopefully has run into this parasite (which all have whether they have realized this was the culprit or not). Navigating the sea of information and often misinformation is vast. It’s helpful to have someone on your side. That said, I do get weary of the multiple supplements and tinctures that are put in front of you as the miracle cure with a price tag of $29.99, though lately that seems to have been kicked up to the $59.99 + category. Personally, I prefer to incorporate the cure in my diet. Well,,, diet and one other thing but you have to read to the end for that. Here are some things I found Dr Axe (of all places) has some good recommendations of anti parasitic diets and natural remedies. But even here, its more about the cat for root cause, but hey, the treatment is on target. I’ve listed here some recommended in his article and some I have found during my own research.
Truly, the list goes on and on. It is a virtual rabbit hole to go down with one link leading to another and another. It’s not as hopeless as it first appears that you are stuck with this hitchhiker for life. One interesting parallel I have picked up on is how often the treatments for parasites are the same ones for cancer and so called viruses, also much of the same recommendations for those with poor gut health. Hmmm… could there be a link? That is a question for another future post! Since we are talking diet and what TO eat, I feel it should be mentioned also what NOT to eat as this is just as important. You have deep sugar cravings? Thats not your craving but the freeloader demanding its dinner. Processed sugars never help you, especially in this case. Alcohol is a BIG provider of nutrients not to you obviously, but to your non-paying guest. There is also a link of increased parasites in alcoholics. The question there would be, what came first? The chicken or the egg? SEED OILS! See my post on this. Only adds to your inflammation. And of course, any processed food (but let’s be honest here, if its processed is it really food?) along with the stabilizers, preservatives, “natural flavors,’ and multiple additives that are basically endocrine disrupters. Your endocrine is disrupted enough… don’t add to it. Cat Parasite Prevention + 8 Natural Toxoplasmosis Treatments The University of Michigan was onto something in 2017. “They report that a molecule called cathepsin protease L, or CPL, is crucial to the parasite’s ability to survive the cyst phase and cause disease in mice. By interfering with CPL on a genetic level, and also using a drug, they disabled the parasite and kept it from surviving the cyst phase.” Keep in mind, most drugs are derived from natural sources. But, they can’t patent then monetize the natural source. Me personally? Go to the source. That source is often hidden quite well behind a lot of scientese (kinda of similar to legalese, but essentially hiding the truth in confusing jargon designed to confuse and obfuscate a simple concept or truth) How to Stop the Lurking Toxoplasmosis Parasite? Target Its ‘Stomach’ So google foods high in this CPL and what would you find? A fun little study in the European Journal of Pharmacology posted by our very own NIH. It would seem that Lactoferrin is a key player. “Lactoferrin can inhibit cathepsin L.” Food proteins are a potential resource for mining cathepsin L inhibitory drugs to combat SARS-CoV-2 (Whaaat? Combat SARS-CoV-2????) What the hell is lactoferrin? Dictionary definition per google: lac·to·fer·rin | ˌlaktōˈferən | noun Biochemistry a protein present in milk and other secretions, with bactericidal and iron-binding properties. Answer: Milk Could it be that simple? Wellll, yes and no. You may or may not be aware of the push for raw milk and the fact it is illegal to sell for human consumption. Where I live in Florida, the raw milk sells out within minutes of hitting the shelves. In Maryland, I buy raw milk from a local farm whose biggest clientele work for the FDA. In Pennsylvania, raw goat milk (which is even better!) Is available in pet stores. It is legal to sell raw milk in the US for pet use only. I’m gonna make a stretch of a guess that those buying from my source in Maryland are NOT buying it for their pets. The question "To Drink Raw Milk or Not to Drink Raw Milk” is a whole other posting. Instead I direct you to the Weston Price website for further information to make an informed decision. My guess is the raw milk will be far superior for the purposes we are discussing here. There is also good evidence in the benefits of Kefir (fermented milk) which is rich in probiotics (but raw milk base). You Probably have a Parasite - Here's What to Do About it So after the doom and gloom I felt in doing my research that good grief, there is no escaping being infected with this little nasty, and once you invite it in its like a vampire, it won’t leave. Like all good movies, good prevails. War of the Worlds comes to mind. A parasitic invasion of alien proportions and how does mankind defeat it? By giving it a common cold. Could this movie called Invasion of the Toxoplasmosis end with an advertising slogan? Drink Milk. It does a body good! Or how about the other popular slogan - Got Milk? And finally, my peace of mind in the battle against the parasites comes from having undergone Potentiation. Parasite cleansing of many (arguably, all) types is an extremely commonly reported benefit/result of Potentiation and other Regenetics activations, and one I feel I personally have experienced. I no longer worry about “reinfection” as my body is “sealed.” If you made it this far reading this rather long post, why not keep reading and learning? Start looking at other avenues. Potentiation as I describe in my health and wellness section may be a noninvasive, metaphysical way to jumpstart your body to start healing itself. Many report the clearing of parasites and heavy metals. I’m not going to tell you it will work for you…. That is mostly up to you, because all healing is self healing. I am only a facilitator to help you get started in a healing journey. Continue reading the below links if you are curious. Feel free to reach out with any questions. The journey continues. Allergy Elimination * Increased Energy * Parasite Cleansing * Pain Relief * Physical Strengthening * Improved Respiration * Better Digestion * Sharper Thinking * Deeper Sleep * Straighter Posture * Stronger Immunity * Clearer Skin * Thicker Hair * Fewer Migraines * Clearer Boundaries * Healthier Relationships * Heightened Manifestation * Greater Abundance These are just a few of the life-changing benefits reported by people who have experienced Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning. Click here to learn more. Update 27 Feb 2024. A holistic therapist in Germany reached out to me sending me this article. You can copy/paste the article and put it in GoogleTranslate, but the gist of the article is, 15 minutes a day of focusing on a bliss emotion will also deter the T.gondii. https://www.allversum.com/dieter-broers-parasit-toxoplasma-gondii-eine-unterschaetzte-gefahr/ [Disclaimer: KVZ is not a medical doctor, and does not purport to diagnose, prevent or treat illness of any kind. I make no recommendations, claims, promises or guarantees relative to specific health challenges. You are solely responsible for your own medical treatment and care.]
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KristenFollow me in my journey of discovery and awakening in health both physical and spiritual. My experience will not be your experience. What works for me may not work for you... but it might. Archives
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